Sunday, January 22, 2017

If you want to piss off Donald Trump, share this blog.

So Donald Trump has been president now for about 48 hours, but if one thing has already become clear, nobody likes Trump.....and it bothers the hell out of him.

Take this picture for example:

Donald Trump HATES this picture, because it shows that more people had the audacity to see someone else's inauguration than see his.

Which is why he had his press secretary lie and actually try to claim your eyes are deciving you

Per press secretary Sean Spicer: "This was the first time in our nation's history that floor coverings have been used to protect the grass on the Mall. That had the effect of highlighting any areas where people were not standing, while in years past, the grass eliminated this visual."

Yea, it turns out a fuck ton of people in the photo on the left arnt real....its an illusion created by magic grass, which is able to impersonate people....

Oh yea...except it turns out, this is not the first time those plastic coverings were used...they were used in 2013 as well (normally id provide a picture to prove this, but all the pictures ive found keep getting rejected this website ass backwards https system, so instead just go here to see one of them if youd like)

Nor was that the only lie Spicer told: He also claimed that as proof the magic grass is the reason you only think the Obama inauguration was more popular that metro's ridership numbers back him up.

Again per spicer:

"We know that 420,000 people used the D.C. Metro public transit yesterday, which actually compares to 317,000 that used it for President Obama's last inaugural."

Actually to be fair, one of those numbers is correct. in 2009 317,000 people took trips on metro downtown PRIOR to 11am (IE the start of inauguration)

The other number on the other hand, is actually embarrassingly wrong.

See in the context of the sentence, it appears Spicer is looking at the daily totals of metro riders, which for Trump wasnt 420, was 570,557.

Thats right in his hurry to lie....Spicer/Trumps team made up a number....and if we take the comparison at face value (which we shouldnt for reasons I'll get to in a second) it makes Trump look WORSE than the actual number word.

Lying about how much better you were than the last guy....and then making your guy look less impressive when doing it.....that takes real talent.

Unless of course, Spicer wasnt trying to trick you by comparing the total number of rides that day (which would include rides to and from) ONLY to the rides in one direction for Obama.

Then lying makes more sense.

See while Obama had 317,000 rides into DC before 11am, Trump's inauguration generated only 193,000.

So that might explain why spicer pulled a random large number out of his ass....though still youd think he'd have stuck with the daily total, as people might not have noticed the unfair comparison that quickly if both number checked out.

(by the way, even on the whole day numbers. Obama still crushed Trump with 1.1 million trips to and from his inaguration compared to the 570.557 for Trump)

Spicer by the way wasnt the only one to lie about inauguration either.

President Trump himself decided it was a good to lie about the inauguration too, at an event he was doing at the CIA. Now given that the purpose of the event was to convince people Trump wasnt fueding with the intelligence agencies when they spent months saying Russia influenced our elections, and trump wouldnt accept it, its not that surprising really he tossed in a couple more lies.

Like Spicer Trump claimed he had a YUGE crowd, possibly the biggest ever:

"We had a massive field of people. You saw that. Packed, I get up this morning, I turn on one of the networks, they show an empty field. I said, wait a minute, I made a speech. I looked out, it looked like a million, a million and a half people. They showed a field where there were practically nobody standing there. It went all the way back to the Washington Monument,"

You know, I dont want to suggest the president is mentally ill...but I think hes seeing invisible people....

But he followed it up with an even bigger and better fact it might be my favorite lie hes ever told:

“God looked down and, and he said we’re not going to let it rain on your speech.. . .The truth is it stopped immediately.”

Cause see, like a bridzilla, on Donald Trump's big day everything is going to be perfect god damn it, and when its not...hes just going to lie about it so you'll think hes special.

Now I could respond more to this claim directly myself...but I'm not going to.

Instead I'm going to outsource my response to my team of professional bullshit analysts, first from our Irony Department,  the Rev, Franklin Graham who also gave a speech at Trump's inauguration:

"Mr. President, in the Bible, rain is a sign of God's blessing. And it started to rain, Mr. President, when you came to the platform," said Graham. "And it's my prayer that God will bless you, your family, your administration, and may He bless America."

"Mr. President, in the Bible, rain is a sign of God's blessing. And it started to rain, Mr. President, when you came to the platform," said Graham. "And it's my prayer that God will bless you, your family, your administration, and may He bless America."

“Mr. President, in the Bible, rain is a sign of God’s blessing. And it started to rain, Mr. President, when you came to the platform (for his inaugural speech).”

Read more here:

Now not only does that sound like it was totally raining during Trump's sounds like that should be seen as a good thing as far as God's concerned....and if Trump was telling the truth that it really did stop raining when he started talking, that would mean even God hates him.

But I dont really trust Rev Graham on this any more than I do Trump (either that or Graham and I have very different recollections about Noah and his Ark) so I'd like some visual proof, which happened to be collected by my other trained bullshit analysts:

First up, Former First and Second Ladies Michelle Obama and Jill Biden, as well as Former Secretary of State and First Lady Hillary Clinton:

Ladies was it raining during trumps inauguration?:

I'm going to go ahead and say between the poncho and the umbrella, that 3 votes for "it was raining"

But of course, all 3 of those ladies are Democrats...and therefore want to make Trump look lets get some republican opinions

Former President George W. Bush, was it raining at Trump's inauguration?

That looks to be another yes.......though lets be fair to Trump, he did admit it was raining, just not when he was speaking....and we cant be 100% sure those pictures were taken as he was lets go to one last Bullshit analyst and a expert on Donald Trump.......First Lady Melania Trump:

Madam First Lady, was it raining when your husband was speaking????

Yep....I think that evidence is irrefutable.....even Donald Trump's wife thinks he's full of shit on this one. 

So remember folks....if you really want to piss Trump off.....just keep pointing out how on the most important day of his life we all had better things to do.

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