Tuesday, August 5, 2014

The war on Whites.

So it seems Congressman Mo Brooks is the first person to actually figure out the truly evil plans of the Democratic Party's stand on immigration reform. You see, you might think its about fixing a broken immigration system, or helping people brought here illegally as children. If your more cynical you might think its actually about pandering to Latino's by trying to convince them your policies are better for them. But you'd be wrong. You see Democratic immigration policies, nay ALL Democratic policies are actually about a WAR ON WHITES!!!!!!!!!

Or as Rep. Brooks put it, “This is a part of the war on whites that’s being launched by the Democratic Party. And the way in which they’re launching this war is by claiming that whites hate everybody else, It's part of the strategy that Barack Obama implemented in 2008, continued in 2012, where he divides us all on race, on sex, greed, envy, class warfare, all those kinds of things. Well that’s not true.”

Now first off I think we all need to admit the truth of Rep Brooks statement. If there is one group through-out american history that has been repeatedly victimized its white folks:

I mean just look at those poor guys. Not only are they required to hide their faces when they go out in public, they are forced to wear white robes to identify themselves publicly as white people, and forced to endure all the scorn that comes with it. Plus look at their chests, like the Jews in Germany they are forced to where a symbol identifying their religion and  singling them out for even more scorn. All thanks to the muslim socialist fascist President. Thanks Obama.

And its not like thats the only example. Take a look at this offensive mocking of the White People.

That woman is CLEARLY in White-Face. She's clearly mocking the chapped lips problem white people can have when its cold, the fact our noses can turn red when we are sick and the fact that our hair can grown in a wide range of colors. Point is its OFFENSIVE and needs to be stopped.

And its not like shes the only one:

Cant you just hear them "Hey dude, you know what would be HILARIOUS? lets all dress up like White People and walk around town for a while....you know with the 3 piece suits, the rosey cheeks, the sneers and weird mustaches" "Dude youre right, that would be TOTALLY EPIC"

So I mean, at the end of the day, you cant deny Congressman Brooks has a real point. Just look how badly white people are singled out in this culture.

Although then again, maybe the identification is needed. I mean, maybe its just me, but it seems I'm a little confused what a white person is.

You see I thought those were all white people (except for Sen Hirono). But it turns out most of them are Democrat's.

Same here:

And here:

Like I said, I thought all those groups were white. My mistake, I guess we really do need the hoods to tell the difference.

Now I know what your thinking, maybe they ARE white and some white folks vote democrat? Not according to Rep Brooks who tried to clarify his first comments with these:

"As best I can in the time limitations I have, I try to make sure people understand what the Democrats are doing by raising race as an issue every chance they get. It's much like the congressmen during the (immigration) debate on Friday: Democrat after Democrat was talking racism and race. And the motivation for their doing so was to try to cause bloc voters of race to vote solely on skin color.

I'm one of those who does not believe in racism and I believe everyone should be treated equally as American citizens. It's high time folks started calling out the Democrats for their racial appeals. Certainly if you were to flip the coin and a white person were to say vote for me because I'm white, it would be an uproar and deservedly so. So why do we allow blacks to say vote for me because I'm black or Hispanics vote for me because I'm Hispanic? Race is immaterial and everybody ought to be treated the same."

See. Democrats only run on the fact they arnt white and you should vote for them because you arnt white either. Its never been that the policy endorsed by Democrats is seen as being better for minorities by minorities One of the most famous examples of cheap vote for me due to my race pandering:

Now as we all famously know "ich bin ein berliner" actually means "I'm Hispanic so vote for me my Hispanic brethren". 

And I mean its not like JFK is the only one. This guy is famous for supposedly being America's First Black President:

Which is a TOTAL LIE. I mean we all know who America's first black president really was:

But then again, maybe he was Asian, I really cant tell apparently........but as America's first Democrat president we KNOW he wasnt white.

Point is though, Republicans would never NEVER run a candidate based solely on the fact they werent white and assume that would bring them minority votes.

Remind me again, why this clown was declared the Republican Frontrunner for 2016 8 seconds after the polls closed in 2012? Clearly it was because of his wealth of experience and policy like the famous [editors note find the name of a bill Rubio wrote that became law and edit this later] that he wrote and is now law.

By the way, is Marco Rubio still alive? I'm just saying no one seems to have mentioned him in like a year...ever since he laid out his policy ideas..........

Eh, must be a fluke that ever since he said what he actually stands for, Republicans wont support him, but before when he was only his appearance they loved the guy.

I do legitimately fully agree with one thing Congressman Brooks said though "[If] a white person were to say vote for me because I'm white, it would be an uproar and deservedly so." And credit to Congressman Brooks for having the guts to test and prove that theory personally.

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