So I know its been a WHILE since my last post, basically all I can say is I was advised it might be personally problematic for me to write these during a specific event. An event that has now basically concluded. So I'm back, and I'm hoping will be A LOT frequent than I've been in the first half of the year.
Now there are two things I have noticed in my self imposed exile.
1) the Republicans have already begun the 2016 presidential election season
2) the Republicans have no plan for the 2016 presidential election season.
Now oddly those two things should be contradictory, I mean after all only a complete moron would start an election cycle and not really have a plan on how to win, and then you have the republicans.
See Republicans are convinced that Hilary Clinton has already won the 2016 and the 2020 presidential election, so they decided to start campaigning against her now, so that she'll be viewed as a failure as president. The problem is, the GOP kinda forgot to think though HOW to attack her, and keeps saying things that only set themselves up to fail.
Take Karl Rove for example.
Recently Rove was quoted as saying “Thirty days in the hospital? And when she reappears, she’s wearing glasses that are only for people who have traumatic brain injury? We need to know what’s up with that.”
Now for starters: Hilary was hospitalized from December 30 2012 until January 2nd 2013. Or as its known to most people 4 days. But in fairness to Rove, numbers havnt ever been his strong suit
So yea, we are literally ONE WORD into the sentence, and Rove is already wrong.....when making a comment about someone else mental abilities, thats kinda awkward. Although I suppose we could just pass it off as "rounding to the nearest number pulled out of my ass" know a rounding "error".
Anyways its not like the statement gets any better from there.
Here are the glasses Hilary was wearing Rove was talking about:
Holy crap, look how fucking thick those things are. I mean anyone who wears glasses like that, must be brain damaged.
After all there is no other possible explanation for why someone would wear glasses
So we all owe Karl Rove a thank you. After all he just showed us all a sure fire way to figure out who has brain damage, they are wearing glasses.
Now heres a random collection of images
After all there is no other possible explanation for why someone would wear glasses
As you can see, the future Mrs. Clinton has been brain damaged for decades prior to her hospitalization for brain damage. Otherwise we would have to accept the crazy notion she was wearing glasses after her hospitalization because she always wore them.
So we all owe Karl Rove a thank you. After all he just showed us all a sure fire way to figure out who has brain damage, they are wearing glasses.
Now heres a random collection of images

I'm sure none of those clearly brain damaged nut jobs would ever be given a position of power (by the way in case he's not recognizable the first black and white photo is a young Newt Gingrich) by any sane person. I mean they are ALL wearing pretty thick glasses. They must all be highly brain damaged.
So yea, thanks to Karl Rove all of those completely anonymous people were never ever given any power because they are all mentally disabled.
Oh one last picture of someone who is clearly brain damaged by the standards of Karl Rove:
Holy shit, look at those thick ass glasses, who the fuck is that brain damaged son of a bitch?
So this is awkward, but my non existent research assistant informs me that brain damaged son of a bitch is actually Karl Rove........
So this is awkward, but my non existent research assistant informs me that brain damaged son of a bitch is actually Karl Rove........
So yea, you might understand why Karl Rove quickly tried to walk his comments back, claiming he never said "brain damage" but that he had said "Traumatic Health Episode". The problem is, he couldnt shut up after he said that.
See during one of his attempts to clarify his comments Rove couldnt help pointing out that Hilary would have to release her health records like most presidential candidates do, which would prove/disprove his claim Rove then tried to shift focus claiming "But I would bet it’s a more complicated calculation than we might think because, look, she’ll be 69 by the time of the 2016 elections. She will be 77 if she serves two terms."
Once again a random picture:
That's the famous actor Ronald Reagan, on the set of one of his TV show, some political thriller I think. I believe the concept was that at 69 years old, the nation voted some old incompetent fool (I mean after all what else can a 69 year old be) in as president, and trusted him to try to solve the possible nuclear eradication of all life on earth, and set the ideology of a major political party for the next 40 years. I believe Reagan would actually go on to play this role for 8 years, and apparently did a pretty good job, as a fair number of history sites actually have him listed as the President of the United States, instead of whoever the fuck it was who was really president. So i mean thats pretty good acting skills, when people forget no one in their right mind would have actually elected you according to Karl Rove
Oh fun fact by the way: did you know Reagan became an actor because the US Army Air Force wouldnt let him fly planes? you see, Reagan wore glasses, which disqualified him from flying. Which means actually Reagan was brain damaged and still had such a stellar career, which makes it even more impressive how good his acting was as "fake president".
Now I did start this piece by saying the Republican 2016 attacks seem to rebound badly on the GOP, and so they do.
See, according to Karl Rove, the Republican Parties most famous presidents (Reagan, Lincoln and T Roosevelt) are all a bunch of brain damaged idiots, one of whom was too old to be allowed to for president. And half the republican field from the last election, also brain damaged. Now that may be humiliating, but at the end of the day, that really only makes Rove look stupid for making the suggestion, not the entire GOP.
That part comes later. See some people WILL believe the story, especially as FOX news and other right wing outlets are currently pushing the fake scandal. Now as a rule, the people likely to believe this are republicans. Not to many democrats are likely to give a flying fuck about what Rove, FOX and the right wing say about Hilary.
Now assuming this scandal takes hold like the last fake scandal Republicans made up to attack the last Democratic candidate (Birtherism, Obama) ALOT of republicans will believe this. Before the last election 60% of republicans believed in Birtherism/wernt sure where the president was born. So its possible "brainerism" gets similar numbers.
Which means heading into 2016 its possible 60% of republicans will believe Hilary Clinton is mentally impared/not legally competent. Democrats of course wont pay attention, and will likely nominate Hilary as the nominee (if she runs). Which means the Presidential debate will be Hilary vs Republican Candidate.
Now what happens if/when Hilary Clinton wins those presidential debates?
What message does that send to the republicans. You know the party who picked a nominee who couldnt win a debate with someone who the majority of their voters considers a mentally retarded person?
Heck actually, if you believe Hilary Clinton is retarded, she doesnt even have to win the debate. If its even close/anything but a republican landslide, that doesnt look good either.
So yea, the debate's not going to be a real confidence booster in terms of your candidate being a good choice, or the skills and abilities of the republican party as a whole to pick someone who is qualified.
Now of course, that 60% of republicans arnt the kind who would vote democrat, so they wont be voting for Hilary because she won the debate, but the thing is, they likely wouldnt be voting for her anyway. .
And when your choices are the "mentally retarded candidate", or the "guy who got his ass whipped by the mentally retarded candidate" sitting at home or voting 3rd party suddenly look like much more reasonable choices.
Cause their is only two ways Brainerism plays out. It doesnt catch on, and Karl Rove looks like a moron, or it catches on, Republicans lose at least one of the presidential debates, and their voters wont support them because even the GOP now looks incompetent.
And that brings us right back to our original problem. Republicans are so scared about 2016, they started the election early, but they totally forgot to prepare before attacking....and it turns out they really havnt thought this through and now its too late to stop it.